Building Community Through Food: Our Partnership with Provision Pantry

In the heart of Port Chester, New York, a small but impactful initiative has been growing. Provision Pantry, a non-profit ministry based out of The Castle Church, has been tirelessly serving its community by providing groceries and other necessities to those in need. Their pop-up pantry, run entirely by volunteers, is a beacon of hope for many families struggling to put food on the table.

Like Provision Pantry, we at Meals on Main Street believe that building community through food is at the core of what we do. It's about ensuring that every individual and family in our community has access to nutritious food with dignity and respect. Our mission is to meet this fundamental human need, and we do it by collaborating with organizations like Provision Pantry.

Michael Porphirio, the driving force behind Provision Pantry, shares the story of their journey. "We started about a year ago," he explains. "First, the food trucks started coming here once a month on Saturdays, but we really saw the need of the community, so we decided to start this pantry."

Every Saturday at 9:30 AM, Provision Pantry opens its doors to the community, ranging from 80 people in the summer to 120 people in the winter. MOMS has been alongside them from the very beginning, providing all the food that lines the pantry's shelves and fills its refrigerators. Michael expresses his gratitude, saying, "I can honestly say that we wouldn't be able to do any of this without them.”

Provision Pantry's mission extends beyond just providing food. "We want to see the needs in our community fulfilled," Michael emphasizes. "We want to ensure that no family has to face food scarcity, that everyone can have food on their tables every day." In addition to food, the pantry also strives to offer toiletries and other essentials, recognizing that these items are just as vital.

At MOMS, we are proud to be part of Provision Pantry's journey. Our commitment to building community through food extends to our partnerships with various organizations, churches, and local businesses. Together, we explore diverse ways to ensure that every individual in our community has access to quality food with dignity and respect. We believe that by working together, we can make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

As we reflect on our collaboration with Provision Pantry, we are reminded of the power of community and the importance of coming together to support one another. By sharing resources, knowledge, and compassion, we can continue to make strides in the fight against food insecurity and work towards a brighter future for all.

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